Friday, April 22, 2011

Every Stress leaves an indelible scar.
-Hans Selye, physician and author (1907-82)

Stress takes its toll on our bodies and minds. So what can you do to counteract its effects? First of all, Whatever you do, DO IT ON A DAILY BASIS.
Meditating or Walking once a month is not going to help. Second, spend a month exploring many different methods of stress reduction so that you can find out what works for you.

Are you a movement person? Then try walking, biking or tai'chi. Are you an exercise type? Then Go for Yoga. Do you love music? Then listen to one of the many music CDs made for relaxation, or if you find voices soothing then listen to a recorded guided meditation. If you need quiet then find somewhere you can experience quite silence for 15 to 30 minutes each day. If you need self expression, try painting, singing, writing or dancing.

Live a simple and Spiritual Life...


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